Monday, April 25, 2011

Music Shout Outs

I don't normally like Taylor Swift, in fact I rather DISLIKE her.  I don't understand the fuss.  But I am in the minority and will leave it at that.  I heard this song on the radio the other day and it caught my ear.  It's cute.  And I like it.  So it's the exception to the "I don't like Taylor Swift" statement I've made in the past and will more than likely make again in the future.  

I also really like the song 'Blow' by Kesha.  I haven't listened to the words closely however the music in the song make me want to get up and move.  And I like that in a song.  Plus James Van Der Beek makes a camio in the video and who doesn't like a little appearance from Dawson!?

Ok one more.  I am in LOVE with Adele's song 'Rolling in the Deep.'  I recently listened to some of her other songs and now I'm even more impressed with her.  'Rolling in the Deep' is still my favorite and I really like the video, how cool is it with all those glasses of water moving to the beat?  I'm mesmorized every time I watch. 

The sun hates me.

So over the weekend we went to the Lazy 5 ranch in Mooresville, NC.  This place is absolutely awesome.  Basically it's like a WAY glorified zoo.  You can drive through the animals habitat and can also feed and pet the animals.  Pretty amazing.  Emma warmed up pretty quickly and starting feeding the animals like it was her job!  One of the coolest parts was the Easter Egg hunt the ranch hosts.  They drop the eggs from a helicopter and then let the kids do the hunting.  And everyone gets a prize - which is nice.  We will be making this a tradition for sure.  Here's a few pictures from the day.

While on our drive through the animal habitats at the Lazy 5 Ranch we came across several LARGE Texas Longhorns.  So like the other animals I stick the bucket of food out to give one of them some lunch.  WHOA.  Here's what happened.  The thing nearly ate Emma and I - but I have to admit - it was AWESOME!  I wish we had the 'attack' on video but I am so glad Shawn got this pic - it pretty much sums up the experience. 

From this point on Shawn was afraid the Longhorns would "hurt" the car (who cares that one just nearly ate his wife and daughter, right?!)  so this picture sums up his reaction to Longhorns coming even slightly close to the car.

Ok so now to my blog title.  I'm convinced the sun hates me (I have lots of stories to back this up, just ask and I will tell).  The day we went to the ranch it started out overcast and warm but by the afternoon it was HOT and sunny.  Since I wasn't thinking I did not put on any sunscreen and got the worst farmer's tan  burn ever.  You can see from the picture above the type of shirt I was wearing and here is the result of the sun's hatred towards me.  (it was hard to get a good picture so this is the best I could do, I think you get the idea!)  The amusing (or not) thing is Shawn and Emma also both did not have sunscreen on and did not get any kind of burnt.  No they are a little more golden now.  Heh.  I guess I should be glad Emma got her daddy's skin tone - she sure doesn't want mine!!  OUCH!

And a bit of spectacular news - we have an appointment this Wednesday to hear the offer the DOT is making on our  house.  YIPPPEEEE YAHHHOOOOOO.  Ok I'll try to contain myself further until we hear the actual offer.  Everyone keep your fingers crossed that it's a good one!!!  THANKS!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

18 Month Appointment, First Time at the Dentist and Some Random Kiefer Tid Bits

Last Thursday (April 7, 2011) Emma had her 18 month appointment at the pediatrician.  She got 2 shots but was a total trooper.  Of course tears were shed but were soon forgotten.  She now weighs 24 pounds and is 32-1/2 inches tall.  She's gone down a bit in percentile for her height, she's now in the 70th instead of the 90th but still a tall one.  Dr. Grainger told us her limited talking at this point it normal and we sholdn't be worried (yes honestly I was a littled worried - who me? - worried?!  who would have thought! Haha!)  Ok back to the message at hand. Emma also made a new friend while at the doctor - Dr. Grainger had a medical student working with her and Emma just Loved her!  Went walking all over the office with her.  Oh and we discussed the possibility of Emma having a milk allergy.  Since she's been drinking whole milk we noticed she's a lot more nasaly and stuffy if she drinks a lot of it.  Coincidence?  Who know.  The doc told us to try soy milk and see if there is a difference.  Well she hasn't had regular milk now for about 4 days and NO stuffiness.  So....we may be buying soy milk from now on!

Let's clean those pearly whites!  Yes Emma had her first dentist appointment with Dr. Warr on Monday (April 11, 2011).  Interesting.  Good word to describe.  Shawn and I both went to the appointment but they only allowed 1 parent back with Emma while the teeth cleaning was happening.  Shawn was the "bad guy" this time and I waited in the lobby.  Oh boy.  I could hear Emma plain as day screaming bloody murder.  She does NOT like people messing with her teeth.  She made it through the appointment and is none worse for the wear.  In fact now when she brushes her teeth before bed she opens  her mouth wide and let's it be done.  This did not happen before her appointment - so we may have had a breakthrough! Yay!  While at the dentist it was discovered that Emma has 2 teeth which have come in fused together.  More than likely not a big deal - but it could cause her adult teeth to come in the same way.  The only thing that would be bad is if both teeth have a root system.  If there is only 1 root system no problem.  But we won't know all of the until she can have xrays.  So no worries for now.  Here's a few pics of the dentist event.  Before, during and after.  Lunch at McDonald's afterwards.  After playing in the play place she was good to go!

Time for the randomness!  First Emma is big into play balls lately.  Once while at Old Navy she grabbed up a pretty pink and purple soccer ball - she just now is learning how to throw and kick it, but she prefers picking it up and throwing it.  This past weekend was beautiful weather so outside we went.  She had a ball, haha - pun intentended (and yes I am a dork, I know!!)

This past weekend was also the JDRF 5k Walk.  Emma wasn't able to walk because of her swim lessons but we met Vee and her granddaughter Samantha for lunch after the walk and took some adorable pictures.  The girls both had a phone in thier hands - and were talking and 'texting' up a storm! :)

                    Beautiful, beautiful babies! 

Emma LOVES Apollo - and luckily he loves her back.  And puts up with riding on, hitting, crawling on and other things Emma does to him.  He's such a laid back dog.  She now just walks up to him randomly to give him hugs and kisses.  So sweet.

Now a Mommy tid bit.  It has recently been brought to my attention that I over use the exclamation point.  Since I had no idea of my overuse I'd like more opinions.   In my past blogs do you think I've overused exclamation points?  Honestly.  I never noticed this little issue before - and now I'm super sensitive to it! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Glittery Shoe

Is this not the prettiest shoe ever?  Ok, so in all honesty I wouldn't really wear this shoe anywhere in my regular activities.  However, if I was still a 'going out to clubs and dancing' type of girl I would DEF have this shoe.  Now - side note - it's not that I'm NOT still the above mentioned girl - I just no longer have the same opportunities to do those sorts of things as I used to. To, what shall I say, get my groove on! HA. You know, Mama duties call!  But I look at this shoes and start daydreaming....................   :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekend in pictures (and a few words!)

Had a super busy weekend this past weekend and as usual I spent a lot of my time snapping pics of Emma.  I REALLY need to get a new camera - I use my cell camera which is good but it's just not the same!  Anyways so as not to bore you I'll use mostly pics but I will of course explain them!

Swim lessons level #2 started this past Saturday (unfortuneately all those pics are on my crappy little camera which I HATE downloading pictures off of, so no swim pics quite yet!) But while at the Y there was a "Kids Health Day" going on so Emma got some free goodies and had her face painted for the first time - she sat remarkably still!!

After swim lessons we drove to Julian, NC to check out a house - probably a no go but a nice drive none the less.  Of course we all got hungry so we stopped for some lunch.  Here's Miss EJ just hanging out at lunch.

So then when we finally arrived back home I was going through her big diaper bag for our trip to SC (details to come) and found 2 paci's in there.  Well since Emma is the paci queen she noticed them immediately and snatched them from me.  Well.......this is what happened! Oh it's going to be serious drama taking her paci away when the time comes - which is 6 months from now - I am going to try REALLY hard not to have a 2 year old with a paci, 2 years old is the limit!

Ok, trip to SC.  No, no not the beach, the other way, to visit the Rodgers family (Brittany, Justin and Kenzie).  They have recently built a house just over the NC border in SC so we went down to check it out and hang out a bit.  Such a fun day!  The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS and we enjoyed it by having lunch outside and then taking a nice walk to the playground.  While we were at the playground Emma climbed a small climing wall ALL ON HER OWN!  She just keeps getting bigger and more independent!

It was great to catch up with friends and give the girls an opportunity to play.  Emma just loves being around babies and once she warmed up was loving all over Kenzie.  She also had quite a 'thing' for Justin.  In no time at all she was throwing her hands up at him to get picked up.  She didn't however like Giz - the Rodgers little dog.  Now go figure she has no problems with our 3, 55+ pound dogs jumping on her but little 7 pound Giz she threw a fit. 

Ok that was a lot of words so now here are the pictures!

And last but not least ... Sunday night while we are all pretty exhausted and sitting aroound, Shawn and I notice Emma's baby is shoved inside the dishwasher of her little kitchen.  We aren't sure how long she had been there or why Emma decided to put her in there but we cracked up for a good long while after it's dicovery.  If only we could know what is going on inside a child's mind when they do the things they do! Ha I just had to stop typing for a minute to crack up again.  Oh my! 

           Happy Tuesday Y'all - have a glorious rest of your week!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello April...Hello Eastertime!

Oh how I love April and Easter.  Why?  Well because Cadbury Mini Eggs come out at this time.  Yum-mo!

I'm pretty sure I could live off of these things for the entire month.  Yes I wouldn't need any other sustenance aside from these little pieces of chocolate heaven! :) (Oh and maybe some Peeps - yup pure sugar and sugar coated chocolate - doesn't get much better than that!)