Time for a quick update instead of the sheer randomness of my last few posts! First Miss Emma. I think we can officially say her first REAL spoken word is 'fish.' She also knows what a fish is and can point it out in books and in the bathtub with her toys. She has kind of said a few other words (ie. Mama, Dada, Dog) but not well enough to call them the official first word. So fish it is! And in honor of Emma's first word I added a little fish pond at the end of my blog - don't forget to feed my fish! :) Her newest thing is waving before she does something she's not supposed to do. Such as pulling out the stove door on her kichen and trying to climb on it - she'll look and do a little wave and then proceed with the wrong doing. At least she's giving us a heads up right? Potty training no where in sight - aside from the cute little Dora potty I ordered with the Pampers points I've collected from the endless diapers! The potty is in the bathroom - just waiting for Emma to try out. Hmmmmm....wonder when she'll get interested.
Mommy update now. I blogged before about my new venture in piano lessons and getting something to practice on! Well that is done. I purchased a full 88 key keyboard with weighted keys and a few added extras. Nothing extraordinarily fancy but eactly what I need to practice, practice, practice. Which I've been doing - although I have to admit not as much as I'd like to be. Life keeps getting in the way, but I do what I can when I can. I've had several lessons thus far and am loving every minute. Anna Caranci - who I met through my wonderful neighbor Shawna Moore - is the sweetest and most wonderful teacher!! We have a lot in common and sometimes during my lessons we start off on tangents about random things - but every minute is well spent!
Bad new bulletin - Shawn found out a week ago that all employees at Sunland were having hours cut back due to financial strife. Although great news for him, getting to sleep in every Friday and being able to relax, I'm stressing out about the money not coming in as it used to. We don't live extravagantly and never have but I still want to be able to provide the things we need (and sometimes want) without too much stress. But like a good friend always says "It is what it is" and we will prevail! We may be eating lots of ramen noodles but...gotta do what you gotta do!
And good news bulletin - my friend Jessica Rye and I have been talking about for a long time starting up our own small business in cake decorating and other goodies. Now we are on our way there! 2 Moms A Bakin' has made it's debut. So if you are looking for any goodies please consider us!!
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