Starting around 1am this morning I started get a sick to my stomach feeling. Somewhat nauseous. Needless to say I was up most of the night going to and from the bathroom (luckily it's not too far) just in case I needed it. Not fun. And led to an extremely exhausting day. By mid afternoon I could hardly keep my eyes open. I also felt very thirsty while I was up - oh and I never did actually get sick - so I drank a ton of water. When I had to get up to face the day I woke up still feeling not quite right in my tummy and also very thirsty. So no breakfast this morning. Just a tall glass of cold water. I packed a nice lunch of turkey, tomato and mustard roll ups but I never ate those either. Instead I ate some grapes, an apple and some raisins and almonds. I just wasn't ever hungry enough or feeling right in my tummy to eat them.
By the time I got home from work I was hungry but not hungry - I know that makes no sense but it's the best way I know how to describe it! Shawn made some swordfish that we found this past weekend on sale at Lowe's Foods and honestly I wasn't looking forward to it at all. I figured any kind of fish would make me nauseous again. But I did eat it - and it wasn't fishy at all, more like chicken. But of the picture below that's all I ate, well and a few pieces of broccoli. It's all I could get down.
{dinner - swordfish, broccoli & almonds}
Even now as I type I feel very ick. And exhausted from not sleeping much at all last night, and thirsty again. Oh and I'm FREEZING! So although it is not even 8p I am going to bed with Buggy. (remember that 8 o'clock bedtime?!)
2 more days until the weekend!
18 days down, 12 to go!
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