Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Whole30 - Day 3

Today was a really good day.  For the first time in I can't tell you how long I woke up without that 'twinge' of a headache feeling.  I also went all day without getting a headache.  I'm not sure the last time that happened either.  Maybe it's just my imagination but I LIKE IT!!  I did find myself with a mild craving for something sweet in the late afternoon but it wasn't as bad as yesterday at all and I felt it was easier to overcome today too. 

So a quick rundown of the meals of today.  Nothing fancy however I would like to note that I made my own salad dressing today and REALLY liked it.  Just a little extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard.  YUM-O. 

{breakfast - scrambled eggs with a smidge of hot sauce and almonds - yep, my typical}

{lunch - spinach salad with cucumber, carrot, baby tomatoes, leftover chicken from last night's dinner and that yummy dressing I mentioned above, with an orange and a few pistachios}

{dinner - broiled Blue Hake with some fresh lemon and pepper and broccoli, cauliflower and carrots}
Of course I had some snacks - raisins, almonds and grapes.  I find myself turning to fruit a lot for the snacks.  I know I need to watch the fruit intake but since I am not looking to lose weight and am more looking for the numerous health benefits, I feel that of my previous options I could choose a LOT worse than fruit!

3 days done, 27 to go!!

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