Thursday, March 15, 2012

i {heart} instagram - Cruise via Instagram

my favorite app is instagram.  i pretty much check it once an hour, sometimes more.  seriously.  now that i've gotten the hang of it i just can't stop!  for those of you who don't know about instagram it's an iPhone photo sharing app that also allows you to 'doctor up' your photos with different filters.  when you tag your photos with certain words you can then click on those words and it takes you to a whole album of photos that have been tagged with the same word.  since i'm a photo nut i became easily addicted.  

so as promised here is the cruise review via Instagram. 

*i must add that i did 'doctor' some of these photos first with an app called Frametastic, then imported them into Instagram*

** i must also note that all of the apps i use are 100% FREE.  you all know i'm cheap frugal and like to find the best deals on things, this includes my apps  - and free is the best deal out there!! :O)

{port of nassau}

{junkanoo beach, nassau bahamas}

{buggy & the lion}

{divas in training}

{best friends & a big boat}

{daddy, daughter beach time}

{view from the back of the boat as we were rolling}

{i absolutely love these girls}


{looking up at the 'wing' of the boat - sure we'll call it a wing, that works}

{magic man in the celebration dining room}

{towel creations}

happy thursday = almost friday = almost the W.E.E.K.E.N.D = sleeping in and NOT being at work.  yipppppppeee yahoooooo!

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